salam.. hehe.. sonok sgt weekend nie sbb ak rse tgn ak relaks sket.. walaupon xlme tp ak rse hepi la jgk.. hehe... so, weekend bru nie our batch wt picnic kt putrajaya.. so, odw ke sne mmg mata ak tgk bngunan jerk.. almaklum la, dh edicted... hehe... hafal modern n klasik punyer style.. ok, back to topik.. kitorg sembang perkara ilmiah sket2.. lepas rndu antre msing2.. taaruf lg spaye yg gelap bersuluh yg terang menyinar... hehe.. overall, i enjoy my holiday n spesel thnx to all yg dtg.. atleast, i knoe whats happen to all of my frenz.. pas picnic kitorg hang out jap kt alamanda..jadi MATANG... hehe.. k la.. 2 jerk kot.. INGAT, DIMANA PON KITA BERADA, JGN LUPA KERJA KITA.. ma'assalamah..
hidup nie mcm2 ader..... kdg2 hepi, kdg2 sdey... ntah laaa.... byk sgt.... tp pape pon, we must learn to take it positively....
Sunday, July 26, 2009
salam.. hehe.. sonok sgt weekend nie sbb ak rse tgn ak relaks sket.. walaupon xlme tp ak rse hepi la jgk.. hehe... so, weekend bru nie our batch wt picnic kt putrajaya.. so, odw ke sne mmg mata ak tgk bngunan jerk.. almaklum la, dh edicted... hehe... hafal modern n klasik punyer style.. ok, back to topik.. kitorg sembang perkara ilmiah sket2.. lepas rndu antre msing2.. taaruf lg spaye yg gelap bersuluh yg terang menyinar... hehe.. overall, i enjoy my holiday n spesel thnx to all yg dtg.. atleast, i knoe whats happen to all of my frenz.. pas picnic kitorg hang out jap kt alamanda..jadi MATANG... hehe.. k la.. 2 jerk kot.. INGAT, DIMANA PON KITA BERADA, JGN LUPA KERJA KITA.. ma'assalamah..
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