hidup nie mcm2 ader..... kdg2 hepi, kdg2 sdey... ntah laaa.... byk sgt.... tp pape pon, we must learn to take it positively....
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
progression on 1st project
salam.. huhu.. senanyer, sje je nk 2njuk kt korg pe yg kitorg dh wt dlm the first two weeks nie.. actually, the project is about designing a playwood structure, more like a playground, but just a single structure.. so, dun wan to talk about other design, i wan to show mine 1st... feel free to comment.. bdw, nie bru 1st crit session.. akn de lg session laen.. next week ak post ag bout the final submission 4 the project.. k, salam

Wednesday, December 16, 2009
adoiiii... pressure...
salam... arghh... assignmnet on my 1st day of study... what kinda **** is that... tp nk xnk kne wt gak an... spe suh amek architecture... so, kali ni, kitorg kne wt playground for children 4 to 7 or 8 to 12... konsep pon xdpt lg nie.. harap lps crit khamis t.. then, 4 the additional pressure, ade lak exercise wt sculpture... haiz.... doa2 kn laaaa... smoge ALLAH trus membantuku...
Sunday, December 13, 2009
salam.. sori laaa kalu ramai yg menanti blog ini diupdate.. actually, kinda lazy and malas nk update atas sbb2 yg xdpt dielakkn... tp, sbb msuk sem bru nie, kne brubh.. hehe... so, ngt sem ni akn rjin cket kot update coz dh de WIGGY sndiri.. so, sng nk on9.. hehe.. k laa.. to all diploma student, gud luck second sem...
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
slmt ari rye n sgalenye
adoi.. salam.. penat nyer.. lme dh xmengepos blog.. bz cket ngn keje yg xmenentu.. insy, t an=k post kn pe yg ak kerjekn slme nie.. hehe..
hope xterlmbt nk ucap slmt harirye.. maaf zahir batin.. kullu am, wa antum bikhair.. kalu de slh silap mohon diampunkan.. kalu de terkasar bahase, terlanjur kate, pon maafkan...
sdar xsdar, dh nk abes dh sem 1 ak kt U nie.. blur tol... xperasan.. yang taw, tetiap mlm tdo lmbt, bg kne bgn awl...... adoi......... Course yg menyeksakan.. hehe.. korg cmne?? sme?? k, wish luck pd yg nk final... pada bdk2 UIA yg dh sakan, elok2... jgn t xsempat p sem 2... huhu
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
MUHAMMAD S.A.W is the last prophet in Islam. He, at first spreading Islam only supported by his family and nearest friends at Mecca, the Hijrah to Madina. - The Rightly guided Caliphs then take the lead after the death of the holy prophet. The caliphs were Abu Bakr As-Siddiq, Umar al-Khattab, Uthman ibn Affan and Ali Abu Talib - Umayyad (Bani Umayyah) lead by Muawiyah bin Abu Sufian after the islamic crisis between him and Ali Abu Talib. At this state, the practice of Syura then changes to family system. – Abbasids (Khalifah Abbasiah) then take the lead. The intelligence of Umar abdul Aziz has further the spread of Islam.
Ottoman Empire (khalifah Uthmaniah) is a period where Islam reaches the highest civilization ever created by human being. At this period also, is the fallen of this great religious caused by secularisms and liberalisms.
It is hard to define Islamic culture since its spread all over the world. So, it has so many different cultures depend on the country. For overall, the Islamic cultures are influences by the Islam religion and obey it. For example, the clothing in Islam was not similar in the outside, but it similar in the inside (close aurat). If we specify the Islamic clothing only in Arabic, we can say that they like to wear jubah and the muslimah wear purdah.
Marriage in Islam is considered to be of the utmost importance. The final prophet of Islam, Muhammad, stated that "marriage is half of religion"; there are numerous hadiths lauding the importance of marriage and family.
In Islam, marriage is a legal bond and social contract between a man and a woman as prompted by the Shari'a.
In Islam, there are also many festivals for example, the eid-alfitri, eid-aladhha, as- syura and marhaban. Again, all the festival must be celebrated guide by the Syariah.
Again, it is hard to identify the languages used by the Muslim. But the most holy language is the Arabic, followed by others such as Persian and south Asian.
Islamic music is Muslim religious music, as sung or played in public services or private devotions. The classic heartland of Islam is Arabia and the Middle East, North Africa and Egypt, Iran, Central Asia, and northern India and Pakistan. Because Islam is a multicultural religion, the musical expression of its adherents is diverse. These are some of the music can be heard during the Islamic period:
• Arab classical music
• Religious music in Iran
• North Indian classical music.
The Seljuk Turks, a nomadic tribe that converted to Islam, conquered Anatolia (now Turkey), and held the Caliphate as the Ottoman Empire, also had a strong influence on Islamic music. Traditional instruments in Turkish classical music include tanbur long-necked plucked lute, ney end-blown flute, kemençe bowed fiddle, oud plucked short-necked unfretted lute, kanun plucked zither, violin, and in Mevlevi music, kudüm drum.
Martial art
In Islam, we are asking to defend ourselves. So, during the Islam Era, there are three main martial art commonly learn by the Muslim which is the Chinese martial arts, silat and pahlavani.
Islamic art, a part of the Islamic studies, has throughout history been mainly abstract and decorative, portraying geometric, floral, Arabesque, and calligraphic designs. Unlike the strong tradition of portraying the human figure in Christian art, Islamic art does not include depictions of living things, including human beings. The lack of portraiture is due to the fact that early Islam forbade the painting of human beings, including Muhammad, as Muslims believe this tempts them to engage in idolatry. This prohibition against human beings or icons is called aniconism. Over the past two centuries, especially given increased contact with Western civilization, this prohibition has relaxed to the point where only the most orthodox Muslims strongly oppose portraiture.
Islamic art is centered usually around Allah, and since Allah cannot be represented by imagery ["All you believe him to be, he is not"], geometric patterns are used. The patterns are similar to the Arabesque style, which also involves repeating geometric designs, but is not necessarily used to express ideals of order and nature.
In calligraphy also forbidden to paint living things and taught to revere the Qur'an, Islamic artists developed Arabic calligraphy into an art form. Calligraphers have long drawn from the Qur'an or proverbs as art, using the flowing Arabic language to express the beauty they perceive in the verses of Qur'an.
Elements of Islamic style
Islamic architecture may be identified with the following design elements, which were inherited from the first mosque built by Muhammad in Medina, as well as from other pre-Islamic features adapted from churches and synagogues.
• Large courtyards often merged with a central prayer hall (originally a feature of the Masjid al-Nabawi).
• Minarets or towers (which were originally used as torch-lit watchtowers for example in the Great Mosque of Damascus; hence the derivation of the word from the Arabic nur, meaning "light").
• a mihrab or niche on an inside wall indicating the direction to Mecca. This may have been derived from previous uses of niches for the setting of the torah scrolls in Jewish synagogues or the haikal of Coptic churches.
• Domes (the earliest Islamic use of which was in the eighth century mosque of Medina).
• Use of iwans to intermediate between different sections.
• Use of geometric shapes and repetitive art (arabesque).
• Use of decorative Arabic calligraphy.
• Use of symmetry.
• Ablution fountains.
• Use of bright color.
• Focus on the interior space of a building rather than the exterior.
Common interpretations of Islamic architecture include the following:
• The concept of Allah's infinite power is evoked by designs with repeating themes which suggest infinity.
• Human and animal forms are rarely depicted in decorative art as Allah's work is matchless. Foliage is a frequent motif but typically stylized or simplified for the same reason.
• Calligraphy is used to enhance the interior of a building by providing quotations from the Qur'an.
• Islamic architecture has been called the "architecture of the veil" because the beauty lies in the inner spaces (courtyards and rooms) which are not visible from the outside (street view).
• Use of impressive forms such as large domes, towering minarets, and large courtyards are intended to convey power
MUHAMMAD S.A.W is the last prophet in Islam. He, at first spreading Islam only supported by his family and nearest friends at Mecca, the Hijrah to Madina. - The Rightly guided Caliphs then take the lead after the death of the holy prophet. The caliphs were Abu Bakr As-Siddiq, Umar al-Khattab, Uthman ibn Affan and Ali Abu Talib - Umayyad (Bani Umayyah) lead by Muawiyah bin Abu Sufian after the islamic crisis between him and Ali Abu Talib. At this state, the practice of Syura then changes to family system. – Abbasids (Khalifah Abbasiah) then take the lead. The intelligence of Umar abdul Aziz has further the spread of Islam.
Ottoman Empire (khalifah Uthmaniah) is a period where Islam reaches the highest civilization ever created by human being. At this period also, is the fallen of this great religious caused by secularisms and liberalisms.
It is hard to define Islamic culture since its spread all over the world. So, it has so many different cultures depend on the country. For overall, the Islamic cultures are influences by the Islam religion and obey it. For example, the clothing in Islam was not similar in the outside, but it similar in the inside (close aurat). If we specify the Islamic clothing only in Arabic, we can say that they like to wear jubah and the muslimah wear purdah.
Marriage in Islam is considered to be of the utmost importance. The final prophet of Islam, Muhammad, stated that "marriage is half of religion"; there are numerous hadiths lauding the importance of marriage and family.
In Islam, marriage is a legal bond and social contract between a man and a woman as prompted by the Shari'a.
In Islam, there are also many festivals for example, the eid-alfitri, eid-aladhha, as- syura and marhaban. Again, all the festival must be celebrated guide by the Syariah.
Again, it is hard to identify the languages used by the Muslim. But the most holy language is the Arabic, followed by others such as Persian and south Asian.
Islamic music is Muslim religious music, as sung or played in public services or private devotions. The classic heartland of Islam is Arabia and the Middle East, North Africa and Egypt, Iran, Central Asia, and northern India and Pakistan. Because Islam is a multicultural religion, the musical expression of its adherents is diverse. These are some of the music can be heard during the Islamic period:
• Arab classical music
• Religious music in Iran
• North Indian classical music.
The Seljuk Turks, a nomadic tribe that converted to Islam, conquered Anatolia (now Turkey), and held the Caliphate as the Ottoman Empire, also had a strong influence on Islamic music. Traditional instruments in Turkish classical music include tanbur long-necked plucked lute, ney end-blown flute, kemençe bowed fiddle, oud plucked short-necked unfretted lute, kanun plucked zither, violin, and in Mevlevi music, kudüm drum.
Martial art
In Islam, we are asking to defend ourselves. So, during the Islam Era, there are three main martial art commonly learn by the Muslim which is the Chinese martial arts, silat and pahlavani.
Islamic art, a part of the Islamic studies, has throughout history been mainly abstract and decorative, portraying geometric, floral, Arabesque, and calligraphic designs. Unlike the strong tradition of portraying the human figure in Christian art, Islamic art does not include depictions of living things, including human beings. The lack of portraiture is due to the fact that early Islam forbade the painting of human beings, including Muhammad, as Muslims believe this tempts them to engage in idolatry. This prohibition against human beings or icons is called aniconism. Over the past two centuries, especially given increased contact with Western civilization, this prohibition has relaxed to the point where only the most orthodox Muslims strongly oppose portraiture.
Islamic art is centered usually around Allah, and since Allah cannot be represented by imagery ["All you believe him to be, he is not"], geometric patterns are used. The patterns are similar to the Arabesque style, which also involves repeating geometric designs, but is not necessarily used to express ideals of order and nature.
In calligraphy also forbidden to paint living things and taught to revere the Qur'an, Islamic artists developed Arabic calligraphy into an art form. Calligraphers have long drawn from the Qur'an or proverbs as art, using the flowing Arabic language to express the beauty they perceive in the verses of Qur'an.
Elements of Islamic style
Islamic architecture may be identified with the following design elements, which were inherited from the first mosque built by Muhammad in Medina, as well as from other pre-Islamic features adapted from churches and synagogues.
• Large courtyards often merged with a central prayer hall (originally a feature of the Masjid al-Nabawi).
• Minarets or towers (which were originally used as torch-lit watchtowers for example in the Great Mosque of Damascus; hence the derivation of the word from the Arabic nur, meaning "light").
• a mihrab or niche on an inside wall indicating the direction to Mecca. This may have been derived from previous uses of niches for the setting of the torah scrolls in Jewish synagogues or the haikal of Coptic churches.
• Domes (the earliest Islamic use of which was in the eighth century mosque of Medina).
• Use of iwans to intermediate between different sections.
• Use of geometric shapes and repetitive art (arabesque).
• Use of decorative Arabic calligraphy.
• Use of symmetry.
• Ablution fountains.
• Use of bright color.
• Focus on the interior space of a building rather than the exterior.
Common interpretations of Islamic architecture include the following:
• The concept of Allah's infinite power is evoked by designs with repeating themes which suggest infinity.
• Human and animal forms are rarely depicted in decorative art as Allah's work is matchless. Foliage is a frequent motif but typically stylized or simplified for the same reason.
• Calligraphy is used to enhance the interior of a building by providing quotations from the Qur'an.
• Islamic architecture has been called the "architecture of the veil" because the beauty lies in the inner spaces (courtyards and rooms) which are not visible from the outside (street view).
• Use of impressive forms such as large domes, towering minarets, and large courtyards are intended to convey power
Saturday, August 1, 2009
our INVISIBLE CITY submition
Sunday, July 26, 2009
salam.. hehe.. sonok sgt weekend nie sbb ak rse tgn ak relaks sket.. walaupon xlme tp ak rse hepi la jgk.. hehe... so, weekend bru nie our batch wt picnic kt putrajaya.. so, odw ke sne mmg mata ak tgk bngunan jerk.. almaklum la, dh edicted... hehe... hafal modern n klasik punyer style.. ok, back to topik.. kitorg sembang perkara ilmiah sket2.. lepas rndu antre msing2.. taaruf lg spaye yg gelap bersuluh yg terang menyinar... hehe.. overall, i enjoy my holiday n spesel thnx to all yg dtg.. atleast, i knoe whats happen to all of my frenz.. pas picnic kitorg hang out jap kt alamanda..jadi MATANG... hehe.. k la.. 2 jerk kot.. INGAT, DIMANA PON KITA BERADA, JGN LUPA KERJA KITA.. ma'assalamah..
Friday, July 24, 2009
salam.. waaah!! ni la dy nme glamour budak2 architecture.. kitorg gabungkn architect n torture serentak... sbb that is our course all about... lecturer akn torture kitorg smpai nk meletop otak.. rp end up, hasil dy smart siot!!! nant kalu INVISIBLE CITY badge ak dh siap, ak show kt korg k... wt semetare waktu nie, preview our working place or famously known as STUDIO...
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
salam... adoi.. lme kn xpost??? sbb my first day of lecture dh dpt assignment yg giler siot... payah... hari pertama ak kt studio mule seawal lapan pagi!!! wt keje pe sumer... then dpt assgnment.. nk settlekn 1st part of it menyebabkn ak blk bilik pkul 11.30!!!! wow!!! now i undrstnd what architectures all about... hehe... tp im glad that im enjoy doing it walaupon smlm kne redo (ulang drawing). tp syok ar... learn about history of architecturing... n other things... most of all, i really enjoy it... pling sonok, esok ak dpt maen bola tampar blik.. hehe.. oh yer, ak sme cm UCOP, studioleader... penat gak ar... kredit byk pkai... byk ag senanyer nk post.. tp xsempat.. so, ma'assalamah....
Sunday, July 5, 2009
kehidupan UTM
kalu psl subjek plak.. semester nie ak amek enam jerk.. NO ENGLISH!! haha.. ak dpt skip 2semester english sbb BI ak dpt A tym SPM... hehe... hepi siot.. tp subjek kritikal ak, SENI REKA!!!! 6 KREDIT!!!! wow!!! kalu fail 2, arwah la jwbnyer...
Monday, June 15, 2009

salam... hehe... lme dh xpost... rse kekok... oh, blik kepada tajuk... im just thinking, lps ak p UTM dlm 3minggu lg nie, will i change...???
dh lme ak pk (2 yg lme xpost 2)... ak tkut t sumday i will be even worse then now... hurm.. ntah laa... ak slalu harap dpt jd mcm ikan kt laut, walaupon laut masin, tp ikan nyer x... ak xpena harap jd mcm ikan yg mati, sbb kne garam sikit dh masin (ayat yg ak slalu ckp kt sek dlu).... urmm... tp hakikatnye, ak la ikan mati 2... adoi.. mcm mne laa nie.... i really hope kt UTM t de gak tarbiyyah cket2 pon xpe... bkn xley nk wt sndiri, tp for safety.....
if im asking ur opinion, what do u think??? is it ok for me 2 change?? or i better b the way i am??? kalu ak kne brubh, what are the thing should i change first?
Saturday, May 16, 2009
dyorg nie......
salam.. adush... ak penat ar... byk nyer la prosedure nk msuk U ni kn??? hurm... penyn2.... bru2 nie, kne isi borang online.. skunk, dy suh print borg LAMPIRAN 1.a, 1.b, DAN 1.c.... pastu ade lak borang 2 n 3.. msing2 dgn anak2 msing2.. adoi.. ape laa.. mcm xnk bg blaja jerk... xpe2... sabar2... UTM mmg mcm 2... pastu, ade bhgn PENJAMIN... nk 2 org... yg keje mmg 1ST CLASS... ak dh penyn.... spe la nk jd penjamin ak.. hurm... kdg2, bile pk... npe la dyorg wt cmnie... cket2 xpela... ak kne print 23 MUKA SURAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ARGHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! byk nyer........ korg tolong la doa ALLAH bg ak kesbran dlm mengisi tiap helaian...
Monday, May 11, 2009
salam.. ha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! kpd bdk g8 alaminians yg jauh atau dekat, dr timur atau barat, naek keter or naek flight, jgn lupe mendaftarkan diri anda dekat ngn AMSA, Lot 4352, JLN PH1, Putra Height, Kg. Sg. Merab Luar, 43650, Bandar Baru Bangi, Selangor (Uma Afif, Dr. Norhin) pada hari AHAD, 17 MEI 2009... jangan lupa tema, pakaian formal mcm nk kne interview layaknye, n tiap org bwk 5inggit pendaftaran!!! ingat!!!! kalu yg dok jauh2 mcm SHAHIR, 2nggu ak kt KTM UKM!!! diulangi, UKM!!! bkn bangi.. so, kpd mereka yg duduk far2 away, ley kol ak kt 013-3913787... nant kite bncg lanjut... jgn xdtg!!!!
Thursday, May 7, 2009
salam... lme xpost... rse kekok lak... after waiting for 5month, bru laa kuar kptsn utk ak smbg blajo nie... adoi.... blajo lg... haha... alhamdulillah, ak bersyukur sgt2222222222222, sbb dpt pe yg ak nk.. ha??? pe dy??? ak dpt p UTM atau dikenali ngn nme glemer universiti tendang mahasiswa atau sebahagian mazhab laen pnfl universiti tendang menendang.... haha... xdela... actually, its real name is universiti teknologi malaysia... ak dpt tawaran diploma dlm senibina.... SENIBINA!!!!!!!! smngat ak berkobar2 nie... huhu... rmai gak org tanye npe kne amek diploma, kn matrik ag cpt... ak dh penat jawab... ak amek diploma sbb ak nk wt part time DRAFTMEN time amek degree... kalu matrik, sijil ak xlaku... (not neccessary this is the right choice, tgk gak course pe)..... pasni ley la spe2 tlng jwbkn k??? haha... oh ye, kpd yg dpt tawaran yg dy nk, seribu satu tahniah ak ucapkan n slamat maju jaya... in order to succeed nowadays study hard is not enuf , u need to study smart.... kpd yg xdpt tawaran mne2 or yg dy nk, ingatlah rezki ALLAH ada dmana... sgale yg berlaku adalah yg terbek untuk kita... KITA MERANCANG, ALLAH JUGA MERANCANG DAN PERANCANGAN DIALAH YG PALING SEMPURNA.....
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
ERAT meng'erat'kan kami
23 april 09 (10.00 pm)
adoi... penatnyer wt eskem.... for 2morrow sale... EH!!! wait a sec!!! 2morrow i gtg 2 ERAT 09... check the schedule... and, WHAT!!!!!!! 9.00 AM!!!!!!!! *^%&!@#!! mse nie ak dok mimpi lg kot... adoi... there goes my holiday... huhuhu.... ='(
24 april 09 (6.00 am)
alhamdulillahillzi ahyaanaa ba'dama amatana wa ilaihinnushuurr... ngntoknyer... ewh, ERAT!!! aduhai... beg pon xkemas ag nie....
(7.00 am)
bertolak p kt PA ak... (pengangkutan awam).. huhu.. naek RAPID, p komuter kajang turun KL CENTRAL tukar naek LRT Putra... adoi... pkul 9stgh bru smpai... dh smpai2, luper nk tgk kt mne programnyer... adoi... lepak laa masjid... 2nggu2222222.... xd eorg gak... sob2... sdeynyer... col la abg Dhany tnyer kt ner... ooo.. kt fakulti engineering upenyer.. ak po melilau.... haaaa... smpai pon.... slmat......
de pengisian bla2 bla2 bla2..... ak dgr cket2 jerk... amek point2 penting... ade games.. (aku menang!!!!!!)... haha... then, dpt la kesimpulan dr games 2... antrenyer, kalu matlamat jelas, langkah dan tindakan pon jelas... then p smbyg... ade pengisian ag..... malam nyer, kitorg dgr tazkirah drpd Dr. Sani.... syok gak r... byk kesimpulan, cumer yg plg terkesan ialah 'everyone has 24hours, so why didi he has enuf time???' (nie ak dh modified cket)... huhu.. then, after midnight, kitorg p rubutia kt gombak gak... mmg laen yg amat from the last tym i've been there.... mlm 2 xtdo... lepak ngn sorg sahabat lme... tnyer dy perkembangan smase... bla22...
25 april 09 ( 5.30am)
haha... byase laaa.. nk qiam, tp bgn lewat... ok.. smpt gak qiam sat... huhu... today, the whole day we have outdoors activites... trekking.... explorace... sorda..... quiet interesting... dh lme xmaen games mcm nie... mlmnyer, ade MANIS or malam KEBUDAYAAN... huh... kitorg kne wt DIKIR BARAT PPSMI... adoi... perah otak... dpt la wt dikir barat yg digabungkan BM dan BI... huh.. sonok siot...... kenangan terindah laaa... especially, after that bro MARWAN (exalaminians student) nyanyi lgu... fuhhh... feeling siot... huhu...
26 april 09 (6.00am)
ari nie xde qiam.... solat subuh... then ade senaman... so, today, sumer full of motivasion.... dr DR HAR, UMMI ROS etc.... sonok gak ar... isu remaja kan.. mesti best... then ade bkk mcm section for certain courses... ofcoz la ak p kt architecturing... only 6people there... haha... then dy bkk in order of University.. UTM xde!!!!!!!!!!!! so, ak pon mryp p UiTM, UNITEN etc... then ak tdo... haaaaaa.... lege cket...
(nk balik)
haa... mcm byase laaa.. sdey gak.. ntah laaa.. i dunno why.. ak mmg tringat abes kt budak2 G8.. otak ak pon serabut... cian kt member2 team ak... rndu kt dyorg.. haha...
adoi... penatnyer wt eskem.... for 2morrow sale... EH!!! wait a sec!!! 2morrow i gtg 2 ERAT 09... check the schedule... and, WHAT!!!!!!! 9.00 AM!!!!!!!! *^%&!@#!! mse nie ak dok mimpi lg kot... adoi... there goes my holiday... huhuhu.... ='(
24 april 09 (6.00 am)
alhamdulillahillzi ahyaanaa ba'dama amatana wa ilaihinnushuurr... ngntoknyer... ewh, ERAT!!! aduhai... beg pon xkemas ag nie....
(7.00 am)
bertolak p kt PA ak... (pengangkutan awam).. huhu.. naek RAPID, p komuter kajang turun KL CENTRAL tukar naek LRT Putra... adoi... pkul 9stgh bru smpai... dh smpai2, luper nk tgk kt mne programnyer... adoi... lepak laa masjid... 2nggu2222222.... xd eorg gak... sob2... sdeynyer... col la abg Dhany tnyer kt ner... ooo.. kt fakulti engineering upenyer.. ak po melilau.... haaaa... smpai pon.... slmat......
de pengisian bla2 bla2 bla2..... ak dgr cket2 jerk... amek point2 penting... ade games.. (aku menang!!!!!!)... haha... then, dpt la kesimpulan dr games 2... antrenyer, kalu matlamat jelas, langkah dan tindakan pon jelas... then p smbyg... ade pengisian ag..... malam nyer, kitorg dgr tazkirah drpd Dr. Sani.... syok gak r... byk kesimpulan, cumer yg plg terkesan ialah 'everyone has 24hours, so why didi he has enuf time???' (nie ak dh modified cket)... huhu.. then, after midnight, kitorg p rubutia kt gombak gak... mmg laen yg amat from the last tym i've been there.... mlm 2 xtdo... lepak ngn sorg sahabat lme... tnyer dy perkembangan smase... bla22...
25 april 09 ( 5.30am)
haha... byase laaa.. nk qiam, tp bgn lewat... ok.. smpt gak qiam sat... huhu... today, the whole day we have outdoors activites... trekking.... explorace... sorda..... quiet interesting... dh lme xmaen games mcm nie... mlmnyer, ade MANIS or malam KEBUDAYAAN... huh... kitorg kne wt DIKIR BARAT PPSMI... adoi... perah otak... dpt la wt dikir barat yg digabungkan BM dan BI... huh.. sonok siot...... kenangan terindah laaa... especially, after that bro MARWAN (exalaminians student) nyanyi lgu... fuhhh... feeling siot... huhu...
26 april 09 (6.00am)
ari nie xde qiam.... solat subuh... then ade senaman... so, today, sumer full of motivasion.... dr DR HAR, UMMI ROS etc.... sonok gak ar... isu remaja kan.. mesti best... then ade bkk mcm section for certain courses... ofcoz la ak p kt architecturing... only 6people there... haha... then dy bkk in order of University.. UTM xde!!!!!!!!!!!! so, ak pon mryp p UiTM, UNITEN etc... then ak tdo... haaaaaa.... lege cket...
(nk balik)
haa... mcm byase laaa.. sdey gak.. ntah laaa.. i dunno why.. ak mmg tringat abes kt budak2 G8.. otak ak pon serabut... cian kt member2 team ak... rndu kt dyorg.. haha...
conclusionnyer, ak hepi bangat sbb p prog 2.. kenal ngn sahabat2 baru.. jumpe ngn sahabat lama.. (ade yg ak jumpe tym DEBAT IIUM)... plg sonok dpt jumpe AMIN HUSAINI B HAFIDZI..... fuh... lme siot xjumpe dy... haha...
Thursday, April 23, 2009
DunnO wHat HaPPen 2 mE
anak2ku sayang,
kalau menjadi batu,
janganlah engkau menjadi batu ditepi jalan,
dipijak, disepak orang,
tetapi anak2ku,
jadilah engkau intan permata,
yang berkilau, bersinar
dihargai insan
anak2ku sayang,
kalau dirimu sebatang kayu,
janganlah engkau menjadi kayu yg biasa,
mudah reput, rapuh dan patah,
tetapi anak2ku, jadilah ngkau kayu jati,
teguh, mantap, tinggi nilainya,
dihargai insan
kalau menjadi batu,
janganlah engkau menjadi batu ditepi jalan,
dipijak, disepak orang,
tetapi anak2ku,
jadilah engkau intan permata,
yang berkilau, bersinar
dihargai insan
anak2ku sayang,
kalau dirimu sebatang kayu,
janganlah engkau menjadi kayu yg biasa,
mudah reput, rapuh dan patah,
tetapi anak2ku, jadilah ngkau kayu jati,
teguh, mantap, tinggi nilainya,
dihargai insan

Sunday, April 19, 2009
setiap org de speselnyer kn???? ade yg ley ckp 7bahase.. ade yg ley tdo smbil diri... ade yg ley makan melompat.. ade yg ley maen bola ngn kaki kanan n kiri... kalu pompuan lak, ade yg ley masak, smbil maen dota, smbil ckp tepon, smbil......... (mcm2 la smbilnyer) ak plak??? hehe.. xtaw laaa... nilai sndirik... cumer, what i'm trying 2 say is, everyone has it own specialty..cumer kelebihan 2 kiter xley nk ckp sndirik... mcm manlee nk kte dy terer BIO, xley laaaa (amek pon x).... so, kte kne tnyer org pe yg speselnyer psl kiter nie... bkn supaye kiter dpt riak, tp spaye kite knl potensi diri dan tidak terlalu merendah diri... so, for a compliment... de la ak truk cket spesel budak2 ak nie... hehe....
-brani mati (kdg2 bguih gak)-
-always being thankful-
-never give up!!-
-boley ganti ANUAR one day-
-metro sexual yg tnggi!!!-
-pelukes yg disegani-
-pengaruh yg kuat (kt saujana)-
-mampu melihat mase depan (ha???)-
-ley wt 8 bisness serentak (pure bussinessmen)-
-pakar memberi alasan yg munasabah (huhu..)-
-mamat kerek sejati-
-penaip yg mantap!!!-
-ley idup walaupon xde umah-
- ade no kontek sumer yg de transport-
-pakar selok belok lari polis-
-tahan geli (xcye tnyer ikan umah dy)-
-harapan ummah (kne topup cket ag)-
-alien in study.. undeniable..-
-gigih dlm setiap kerje...-
-brani mati (kdg2 bguih gak)-
-always being thankful-
-never give up!!-
-boley ganti ANUAR one day-
-metro sexual yg tnggi!!!-
-pelukes yg disegani-
-pengaruh yg kuat (kt saujana)-
-mampu melihat mase depan (ha???)-
-ley wt 8 bisness serentak (pure bussinessmen)-
-pakar memberi alasan yg munasabah (huhu..)-
-mamat kerek sejati-
-penaip yg mantap!!!-
-ley idup walaupon xde umah-
- ade no kontek sumer yg de transport-
-pakar selok belok lari polis-
-tahan geli (xcye tnyer ikan umah dy)-
-harapan ummah (kne topup cket ag)-
-alien in study.. undeniable..-
-gigih dlm setiap kerje...-
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Aku melihat mu kemarin, saat engkau memulai aktiviti harian mu.
Kau bangun tanpa sujud mengerjakan subuh mu
Bahkan kemudian, kau juga tidak mengucapkan "Bismillah" sebelum memulai santapan mu, juga tidak sempat mengerjakan shalat Isha sebelum berangkat ke tempat tidur mu
Kau benar2 orang yang bersyukur, Aku menyukainya
Aku tak dapat mengungkapkan betapa senangnya aku melihat mu tidak
merubah cara hidup mu.
Hai Bodoh, Kamu millik ku.
Ingat, kau dan aku sudah bertahun-tahun bersama,
dan aku masih belum bisa benar2 mencintai mu .
Malah aku masih membenci mu, karena aku benci Allah.
Aku hanya menggunakan mu untuk membalas dendam ku kepada Allah.
Dia sudah mencampakkan aku dari surga, dan aku akan tetap
memanfaatkan mu sepanjang masa untuk mebalaskannya
Kau lihat, ALLAH MENYAYANGIMU dan dia masih memiliki rencana-rencana untuk mu dihari depan.
Tapi kau sudah menyerahkan hidupmu padaku,
dan aku akan membuat kehidupanmu seperti neraka.
Sehingga kita bisa bersama dua kali dan ini akan menyakiti hati ALLAH
Aku benar-benar berterimakasih pada mu, karena aku sudah menunjukkan
kepada NYA siapa yang menjadi pengatur dalam hidup mu dalam masa2 yang kita jalani
Kita nonton film 'porno' bersama, memaki orang, mencuri, berbohong,
munafik, makan sekenyang-kenyangya , bergosip, manghakimi orang, menghujam orang dari belakang, tidak hormat pada orang tua ,
Tidak menghargai Masjid, berperilaku buruk.
TENTUNYA kau tak ingin meninggalkan ini begitu saja.
Ayuhlah, Hai Bodoh, kita terbakar bersama, selamanya.
Aku masih memiliki rencana2 hangat untuk kita.
Ini hanya merupakan surat penghargaan ku untuk mu.
Aku ingin mengucapkan 'TERIMAKASIH' kerana sudah mengizinkan ku
memanfaatkan hampir semua masa hidup mu.
Kamu memang sangat mudah dibodohi, aku menertawakan mu.
Saat kau tergoda berbuat dosa kamu menghadiahkan tawa.
Dosa sudah mulai mewarnai hidupmu.
Kamu sudah 20 tahun lebih tua, dan sekarang aku perlu darah muda.
Jadi, pergi dan lanjutkanlah mengajarkan orang-orang muda bagaimana
berbuat dosa.
Yang perlu kau lakukan adalah merokok, mabuk-mabukan, berbohong,
berjudi, bergosip, dan hiduplah se-egois mungkin.
Lakukan semua ini didepan anak-anak dan mereka akan menirunya.
Begitulah anak-anak .
Baiklah, aku persilakan kau bergerak sekarang.
Aku akan kembali beberapa detik lagi untuk menggoda mu lagi.
Jika kau cukup cerdas, kau akan lari sembunyi, dan bertaubat atas
dosa-dosa mu.
Dan hidup untuk Allah dengan sisa umur mu yang tinggal sedikit.
Memperingati orang bukan tabiatku, tapi diusiamu sekarang dan tetap
melakukan dosa, sepertinya memang agak aneh.
Jangan salah sangka, aku masih tetap membenci mu.
Hanya saja kau harus menjadi orng tolol yang lebih baik dimata ALLAH.
Catatan : Jika kau benar2 menyayangi ku , kau tak akan memberi surat ini
dengan siapapun
Kau bangun tanpa sujud mengerjakan subuh mu
Bahkan kemudian, kau juga tidak mengucapkan "Bismillah" sebelum memulai santapan mu, juga tidak sempat mengerjakan shalat Isha sebelum berangkat ke tempat tidur mu
Kau benar2 orang yang bersyukur, Aku menyukainya
Aku tak dapat mengungkapkan betapa senangnya aku melihat mu tidak
merubah cara hidup mu.
Hai Bodoh, Kamu millik ku.
Ingat, kau dan aku sudah bertahun-tahun bersama,
dan aku masih belum bisa benar2 mencintai mu .
Malah aku masih membenci mu, karena aku benci Allah.
Aku hanya menggunakan mu untuk membalas dendam ku kepada Allah.
Dia sudah mencampakkan aku dari surga, dan aku akan tetap
memanfaatkan mu sepanjang masa untuk mebalaskannya
Kau lihat, ALLAH MENYAYANGIMU dan dia masih memiliki rencana-rencana untuk mu dihari depan.
Tapi kau sudah menyerahkan hidupmu padaku,
dan aku akan membuat kehidupanmu seperti neraka.
Sehingga kita bisa bersama dua kali dan ini akan menyakiti hati ALLAH
Aku benar-benar berterimakasih pada mu, karena aku sudah menunjukkan
kepada NYA siapa yang menjadi pengatur dalam hidup mu dalam masa2 yang kita jalani
Kita nonton film 'porno' bersama, memaki orang, mencuri, berbohong,
munafik, makan sekenyang-kenyangya , bergosip, manghakimi orang, menghujam orang dari belakang, tidak hormat pada orang tua ,
Tidak menghargai Masjid, berperilaku buruk.
TENTUNYA kau tak ingin meninggalkan ini begitu saja.
Ayuhlah, Hai Bodoh, kita terbakar bersama, selamanya.
Aku masih memiliki rencana2 hangat untuk kita.
Ini hanya merupakan surat penghargaan ku untuk mu.
Aku ingin mengucapkan 'TERIMAKASIH' kerana sudah mengizinkan ku
memanfaatkan hampir semua masa hidup mu.
Kamu memang sangat mudah dibodohi, aku menertawakan mu.
Saat kau tergoda berbuat dosa kamu menghadiahkan tawa.
Dosa sudah mulai mewarnai hidupmu.
Kamu sudah 20 tahun lebih tua, dan sekarang aku perlu darah muda.
Jadi, pergi dan lanjutkanlah mengajarkan orang-orang muda bagaimana
berbuat dosa.
Yang perlu kau lakukan adalah merokok, mabuk-mabukan, berbohong,
berjudi, bergosip, dan hiduplah se-egois mungkin.
Lakukan semua ini didepan anak-anak dan mereka akan menirunya.
Begitulah anak-anak .
Baiklah, aku persilakan kau bergerak sekarang.
Aku akan kembali beberapa detik lagi untuk menggoda mu lagi.
Jika kau cukup cerdas, kau akan lari sembunyi, dan bertaubat atas
dosa-dosa mu.
Dan hidup untuk Allah dengan sisa umur mu yang tinggal sedikit.
Memperingati orang bukan tabiatku, tapi diusiamu sekarang dan tetap
melakukan dosa, sepertinya memang agak aneh.
Jangan salah sangka, aku masih tetap membenci mu.
Hanya saja kau harus menjadi orng tolol yang lebih baik dimata ALLAH.
Catatan : Jika kau benar2 menyayangi ku , kau tak akan memberi surat ini
dengan siapapun

salam.... huhu... ak hepi gler ari niee..... sbb td ak kire duet untung niage ak utk 2minggu nie.... dh jd tebiat ak selang 2 minggu, kire profit.... n ak rse cm nk lompat (dh lompat dh pon)... sbb???? hehe.... sat ag ak habaq...
kenali aiskrim ku...
bisnes eskem ak nie ak rse bisness yg plg cket pkai modal... kalu xcye, tnye ak... modal ak start awal2 skali just RM50..... bli air, plastik ais krim.... air ak bli kt HPA ... plastik kt mcm2 tmpt (econsave, giant, runcit, e.t.c).... first week, ak dpt alek RM80.... so, ak pon bli plak air lg byk.... rotate modal awal ak.... smpai skrg, sehari ak jual almost 8 bottles... kalu rajin laaaa... kdg2 6 jerk... ikut mood ak... hehe...
nape ak ske wt keje nie...
ntah laaa... satu sbb ak xske kne arah itu ini... blaa222.... so, keje nie skati ak jerk nk jual ke x.... nk rehat kee... hehe... then, ak ske sbb sumer ak wt sndiri... membeli, mengikat, menjual... sumer laaa.... so, if anything happen, only me to blame... walaupon untung xbyk mcm keje mkn gaji, as long as i am happy, thats the best 4 me...
so, blik pd citer asal, untung ak 2minggu nie RM300....hehe... sonok... byase dpt puluh2 jerk... BDW, thnx kpd membe2 FKS.... JASAMU DIKENANG!!! hehe.....
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
salam.. smlm, mksd ak pg2 bute smlm, kitorg lepak FKS CENTRE kt Bangi.. lme siot xhang out cam 2... mmg xtdo ar... kitorg lyn dota lan maen 2 laptop..... nk maen GARENA, tkut nanti jd lagger lak sbb ping high... end up, maen LAN jerk... ok laaa.... tym ak maen, org laen pakat maen ping pong, tym org laen maen, ak lak maen pingpong.... sonok bngt maen ngn pingpong ngn amin.. dulu, mmh slalu sgt2 lepak centre n lg rmai ahlinyer.... skunk dh jrg, ahli pon cket.. papepon, they r my frenz n they r my best frenz...
Monday, April 13, 2009
salam.. fuh, dh abes skola nie ak mmg xde keje.. dok brangan jerk keje nyer... hehe.. nk wt cmner... keje eskem ak pon simple jerk (tp lumayan).. so, dlm dok brangan 2 terbitlah beberape adegan2 yg klaka, psycho, sonok, sdey yg ak rse cukup indah (jiwang la plak)... antre kenangan yg ak xdpt luper tym sek dlu ialah:-
1. ponteng berjamaah

fuh, yg nie mmg susa nk luper... tym 2 de KRS (kadet remaja sekolah).... xngt 1st ke 2nd, tp tym 2 kne blaja lgu... so, de la bbrpe kaki yg maley nk bernyanyi lgu ngarut 2, merancang agenda tersendiri... so, tgh dok merancang2 2 (tym nie kt UKM), bas dh chow... kitorg pon trus dpt idea nk ponteng... haha... agenda dy byase je, tp yg plg syok sbb de sorg yg kitorg xsngke pon ponteng gak... spe???? cube ar teke... hehe... i***l... ha!!! 2 la dy... tym nie sonok gler... tp minggu dpn nyer, sumer kne denda atas pentas KECUALI ak... haha.. cian membe... sori wey...
2. jamming group

aaaa!!! hehe.. ny pon ngarut gak... nie kt 5ibs.. de sum group member "boys at the back" (mlmh syikin tahir bagi).. kitorg dok nyanyi jerk... jamming.. mlmh or mlm dok ajo dpn, kitorg ngarut kt blkg.. hehe... mmg kenangan... lgu 'this i promise you - nsync', 'pretty boy - m2m', 'inconsoluble - bsb', n 'im yours - jason mraz'... xdela lgu je... nasyid pon de gak... tp yg lme2 laaa.. 'raihan - mengemis kasih', 'hijjaz - sebelum terlena' n mcm2 ag... hehe... siap bwk lirik...
k laaaa... 2 je kot post kali nie... tringat kte2 kt tym takrim, seni bukan halusinasi ttpi inspirasi... hehe... jdkan pengalamn sebagai pengajaran kerana pengalaman mengajar erti kehidupan.. bak kte pepatah, jauh perjalanan luas pemandangan... (yeke??? mcm salah jer... bantai laaa..)
1. ponteng berjamaah
fuh, yg nie mmg susa nk luper... tym 2 de KRS (kadet remaja sekolah).... xngt 1st ke 2nd, tp tym 2 kne blaja lgu... so, de la bbrpe kaki yg maley nk bernyanyi lgu ngarut 2, merancang agenda tersendiri... so, tgh dok merancang2 2 (tym nie kt UKM), bas dh chow... kitorg pon trus dpt idea nk ponteng... haha... agenda dy byase je, tp yg plg syok sbb de sorg yg kitorg xsngke pon ponteng gak... spe???? cube ar teke... hehe... i***l... ha!!! 2 la dy... tym nie sonok gler... tp minggu dpn nyer, sumer kne denda atas pentas KECUALI ak... haha.. cian membe... sori wey...
2. jamming group
aaaa!!! hehe.. ny pon ngarut gak... nie kt 5ibs.. de sum group member "boys at the back" (mlmh syikin tahir bagi).. kitorg dok nyanyi jerk... jamming.. mlmh or mlm dok ajo dpn, kitorg ngarut kt blkg.. hehe... mmg kenangan... lgu 'this i promise you - nsync', 'pretty boy - m2m', 'inconsoluble - bsb', n 'im yours - jason mraz'... xdela lgu je... nasyid pon de gak... tp yg lme2 laaa.. 'raihan - mengemis kasih', 'hijjaz - sebelum terlena' n mcm2 ag... hehe... siap bwk lirik...
k laaaa... 2 je kot post kali nie... tringat kte2 kt tym takrim, seni bukan halusinasi ttpi inspirasi... hehe... jdkan pengalamn sebagai pengajaran kerana pengalaman mengajar erti kehidupan.. bak kte pepatah, jauh perjalanan luas pemandangan... (yeke??? mcm salah jer... bantai laaa..)
Friday, April 10, 2009
###My FIrST TYm###
salam.. haaa... lege nyer rse... kaco jiwa eden... hehe.. ha?? pe yg first tym nyer??? xde, smlm ak p KL... p JALAN SEMARAK.. ha??? agak2 pe??? ak p interview kt Universiti Teknologi Malaysia.. ak d pnggl interview utk Diploma Senibina kt sne.. pkul 2... hehe.. pkul 1 dh smpai... lepak.. melangok.. then smbyg zohor kt msjd dy... pkul 2, ak 2nggu kt ruang menunggu kt DEWAN JUMAAH..nk dkt pkul 2 stgh, ak pon msuk dlm conference hall... ngn 8 ag budak laen... 4cina, 4melayu... dyorg wt ujian melukeh... pergh... susa nyer... xtaw la.. penyn pale ak... tp ley la wt cket.... after one irritating hour, ujian 2 pon tamat... then kne nunggu ag.... adoi... letey nunggu... then pkul 4.30 dy pnggil temubual plak... huh.. lg psycho... ak sorg... yg interview, 3 org!!! what???!!! sorg pengarah, naib kaunselor, sorg ag mamat NIGERIAN!!! pergh... cuax siot... ak pon tahan jer laaa... jwb sumer soklan... awal2 sumer dalam bahase ibunda.. tetbe jerk??? mamat nigeria 2 speaking NIGERIAN ENGLISH!!! ak pon xnk mengalah... speaking blik... soklan dy susa siot... start 2 ak dh xkonfiden.. jwb pon with standard BI... lepas STGH JAM, ak pon dbenarkn kuar... then ak pon naek PA ak blik cni... (pengangkutan awam)... pkul 8 bru smpai umah... chances??? xtaw laaa.. tp kalu xdpt pon, xpela.. i try ma best... NO REGRETS!! hehe...
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