hidup nie mcm2 ader..... kdg2 hepi, kdg2 sdey... ntah laaa.... byk sgt.... tp pape pon, we must learn to take it positively....
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
progression on 1st project
salam.. huhu.. senanyer, sje je nk 2njuk kt korg pe yg kitorg dh wt dlm the first two weeks nie.. actually, the project is about designing a playwood structure, more like a playground, but just a single structure.. so, dun wan to talk about other design, i wan to show mine 1st... feel free to comment.. bdw, nie bru 1st crit session.. akn de lg session laen.. next week ak post ag bout the final submission 4 the project.. k, salam

Wednesday, December 16, 2009
adoiiii... pressure...
salam... arghh... assignmnet on my 1st day of study... what kinda **** is that... tp nk xnk kne wt gak an... spe suh amek architecture... so, kali ni, kitorg kne wt playground for children 4 to 7 or 8 to 12... konsep pon xdpt lg nie.. harap lps crit khamis t.. then, 4 the additional pressure, ade lak exercise wt sculpture... haiz.... doa2 kn laaaa... smoge ALLAH trus membantuku...
Sunday, December 13, 2009
salam.. sori laaa kalu ramai yg menanti blog ini diupdate.. actually, kinda lazy and malas nk update atas sbb2 yg xdpt dielakkn... tp, sbb msuk sem bru nie, kne brubh.. hehe... so, ngt sem ni akn rjin cket kot update coz dh de WIGGY sndiri.. so, sng nk on9.. hehe.. k laa.. to all diploma student, gud luck second sem...
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