salam... hehe... lme dh xpost... rse kekok... oh, blik kepada tajuk... im just thinking, lps ak p UTM dlm 3minggu lg nie, will i change...???
dh lme ak pk (2 yg lme xpost 2)... ak tkut t sumday i will be even worse then now... hurm.. ntah laa... ak slalu harap dpt jd mcm ikan kt laut, walaupon laut masin, tp ikan nyer x... ak xpena harap jd mcm ikan yg mati, sbb kne garam sikit dh masin (ayat yg ak slalu ckp kt sek dlu).... urmm... tp hakikatnye, ak la ikan mati 2... adoi.. mcm mne laa nie.... i really hope kt UTM t de gak tarbiyyah cket2 pon xpe... bkn xley nk wt sndiri, tp for safety.....
if im asking ur opinion, what do u think??? is it ok for me 2 change?? or i better b the way i am??? kalu ak kne brubh, what are the thing should i change first?